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Avidbots Command Center

Le contrôle et les informations au bout de vos doigts

L'Avidbots® Command Center transforme vos opérations de nettoyage

See how it works

Gérez votre flotte
n'importe quand
n'importe où

Accéder et
modifier plans
de nettoyage

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intro neo command center

Faites le point avec Neo à tout moment, de n’importe où, via une application Web

L'Avidbots Command Center exclusif vous permet de surveiller, de gérer et de mesurer les performances d’un Neo - ou d’une flotte entière de Neo - de n’importe où, à tout moment. Offrant un niveau de surveillance et de mesure des performances que vous ne trouverez pas sur d’autres autolaveuses commerciales, l’Avidbots Command Center vous permet de rester informé grâce à des rapports détaillés et des analyses riches pour chaque opération de nettoyage.

Éliminez les incertitudes de vos
opérations de nettoyage des sols

Notre tableau de bord convivial donne un aperçu de l’ensemble
de vos opérations de nettoyage

Nettoyage efficace des sols. Opérations efficaces.

Un logiciel basé sur le Web transforme la façon dont vous gérez vos opérations

'Seeing the live results when it’s being used...'

“It’s nice to see the live results when it’s being used, where it is, how much water it’s using, the pressure that’s being used for scrubbing and what areas have been disinfected. I like that every Monday I’ve scheduled an email that reports just how well Rosey cleaned the week before. That kind of information is what I was looking for to justify the movement forward – to show the admin team that this is what the robot is doing with minimal supervision.”

Questions fréquemment posées

Clean smarter, not harder

If you need to update your cleaning plans, for example, due to a floor layout change or planned maintenance work, we ask that you contact the Avidbots’ Cleaning Plan team to perform and sync the map edits. This ensures the continued accuracy of your plan and the safe operation of your robot(s) at your premises.

Requested cleaning plan changes can be created and synced to the robot within 24 hours.

Avidbots Command Center employs the most advanced security methods available. Data at rest is encrypted using AES-256 (Advanced Encryption Standard), the same standard used by the U.S. government to protect classified information. In transit, secure TLS encryption protects against unauthorized data access.

Portal account access is secured via complex passwords and two-factor authentication, using Google Authenticator and supporting iOS/Android mobile hardware. Two-factor authentication is a globally recognized method for preventing unauthorized account access, as it requires knowledge of a password as well as an additional, secure, always-changing passcode that’s only available on mobile hardware.

All passwords are salted and hashed and no individual at Avidbots can see your password. A blacklist of 30,000 common and easily-guessable passwords is employed for additional security protection.

Our robots are equipped with an industry-standard network gateway supporting Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G LTE network support connections. Wi-Fi network connections are recommended for optimal reliability, with cellular data connections optionally supported for network failover in Wi-Fi cold spots.

Our robots are equipped with an industry-standard network gateway supporting Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G LTE network support connections. Wi-Fi network connections are recommended for optimal reliability, with cellular data connections optionally supported for network failover in Wi-Fi cold spots. Reserved for diagnostic support, Neo is also equipped with an Ethernet port.

Avidbots is committed to supporting the highest levels of network security. Our robots are protected by a firewall, with a minimum number of ports open for authorized connections. All data transmitted between our robots and Avidbots secure servers is encrypted using modern TLS, SSH or OpenVPN encryption protocols. Avidbots has established IT policies and procedures including ISO 27001 certification and is currently working towards SOC2.

Our robots’ internal controllers are configured to only run software specifically approved and installed by Avidbots engineers. All software updates are delivered using TLS-encrypted channels, managed by Avidbots. Our robots cannot be powered on and operated without the insertion of a physical key, while access to the robot’s touch screen is secured via an operator-specific passcode, preventing unauthorized use.

The gateway model selected varies by country, to ensure compatibility with local cellular network operators. Options for network hardware and secure configuration are agreed with your Corporate IT team before deployment.

We understand the importance of network security to your operation and would be delighted to discuss your requirements. Contact us to discuss the technical details of our robots’ advanced security protection and our experience partnering with corporate IT teams across a wide variety of industries to safeguard network integrity. Additionally, we recommend reviewing the Neo Security Information brochure.