Neo floor scrubbing robots take on Europe: Avidbots partner Swisscom to provide multiple Neo robots
Avidbots is excited to announce that our European partner, Swisscom, has signed a deal to sell multiple Neo floor-scrubbing robots to ISS Switzerland, the largest facilities services provider in Switzerland. ISS provides cleaning and maintenance services to over 200,000 global customers and is committed to embracing innovation to better serve its clientele.
“We believe Avidbots Neo floor-scrubbing robots are the most advanced and capable cleaning robots on the market,” says Dominik Dräyer, Head of the ISS Switzerland Excellence Center. “Avidbots Neo is the only floor-scrubbing robot that uses AI to learn as it goes, autonomously remapping pathways to avoid obstacles and deliver the most effective cleaning. This solution ensures a maximum level of productivity since we do not need ground staff to constantly reteach the robots.”
ISS Switzerland will first deploy Neo in shopping malls and will roll out the robots to other locations in the future.
“We see cleaning robots as an important piece of an overall IoT ecosystem for smart buildings,” says Reto Waelchli, Senior Business Developer for Robots at Swisscom. “With Neo, our excellent technical field service staff will maintain the robots across Switzerland, 24/7 and in all languages; our technical expertise allows our customers such as ISS to deploy Neo as a robot-as-a-service so they can focus on their core businesses objectives.”
Avidbots Neo robots are now cleaning floors in 19 countries, and Neo will soon be rapidly expanding across Europe. In many European countries, labor is expensive and populations are highly educated, making it difficult to fill unskilled janitorial positions. With Avidbots Neo, ISS Switzerland can offer its customers a highly effective floor-cleaning solution, while improving on the quality of service. Plus, with the Neo automated floor cleaner, existing cleaning staff is freed from the drudgery of pushing around heavy floor-cleaning machines at night, allowing them to focus on higher-value work.
“Neo is the perfect floor-cleaning solution for large commercial locations since it automatically adapts to changing floor layouts, using AI to remap its route on the fly. Neo also reduces maintenance costs and improves on-site safety”, said Faizan Sheikh, CEO and Co-founder of Avidbots. “We’re thrilled that our partner Swisscom has signed a deal with ISS Switzerland to deploy Neo floor scrubbing robots in Europe and can’t wait to see where Neo ends up next.”
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