Best practices when using autonomous cleaning robots to slow the spread of COVID-19
Concern over global disease epidemics have reached an all-time high with the recent outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Cleaning has always been important, but in times like these, the world is reminded once again about the paramount importance and value of cleanliness.
While healthcare workers are working tirelessly around the world to treat and save the lives of those infected with COVID-19, another group of frontline workers is increasingly getting their fair share of the spotlight and recognition from prominent world leaders (such as Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong). These are the workers tirelessly cleaning our surroundings every day, making them as sanitary as possible to reduce the spread of the virus. Indeed, cleaning staff have a critical role to play in the current situation.
This post is a summary of recommended best practices to employ when considering autonomous cleaning robot solutions to supplement your cleaning crews, especially during the current outbreak.
Clean vs dirty water
When we designed Avidbots Neo, we intentionally separated the clean and dirty water recovery tanks. This is because we wanted to use the revolutionary concept of using clean water to clean floors! If you're considering acquiring autonomous cleaning robots for the first time, insist on a robot that cleans with clean water. Say no to those that offer “filtration” systems, where dirty water is supposedly cleaned and then reused; there is no known filtration system in an autonomous cleaning robot that can filter out both chemical and biological contaminations. An autonomous cleaning robot that uses a chemical contamination filter will spread germs and viruses all over your facilities because it cannot filter biological contaminants (i.e. viruses).
Sanitizing solutions
Add a solution to the standard clean water tank for better cleaning and sanitizing of floors — there are a variety of solutions* available that work in floor scrubbers. Avidbots Neo is currently deployed at many of the world’s best hospitals that are dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks, including Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, where our customers are sanitizing their floor surfaces.
Personal protective equipment
Please direct your staff, including cleaning crews, to wear appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) as recommended by the appropriate health agency in your country, which is known to help reduce the spread of the virus.
Avidbots cheers on all frontline workers worldwide as they fight to keep us safe against COVID-19 and beyond!
To learn more about Avidbots Neo, the autonomous cleaning robot, contact us.
*Note: Follow solution manufacturer application guidelines when sanitizing/disinfecting.
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