Avidbots Command Center: New subscription alert
Get the most clean from your Neo(s)
With Avidbots Command Center, you’re able to manage, monitor and measure the performance of your Neo(s) 24/7/365 from anywhere in the world via cleaning reports and subscription push notifications (delivered by email or SMS).
New subscription alert: ‘Robot is underutilized'
Neo loves to clean, and although it’s capable of cleaning 24/7 with interchangeable batteries, more often it doesn’t get used as much as it could (or should)!
Is your team getting the most out of Neo?
With the new subscription alert, you can be sure you are!
Via Avidbots Command Center, you can receive an alert if Neo hasn't run a cleaning plan in the period of time you have specified.
For example, if you’d like Neo to clean your facility daily, you can set an alert to notify you if Neo goes more than 24 hours since its last time cleaning autonomously.
How to set up?
1. Log into Avidbots Command Center with your username and password
2. Select 'Settings' > 'My Profile'
3. Select 'Subscriptions'
4. Select 'Robot is under-utilized'
5. Insert 'Number of hours between autonomous run', specify the robot and select the 'Contact method'
6. Select ‘Add’
Want to learn more about Avidbots Command Center?
Avidbots regularly publishes blog content to help you get the most out of your Neo(s). Whether you want to learn more about the metrics that matter when optimizing your clean or explore the power of fleet management, there are a wide range of informative articles available.
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