As schools reopen: The role of autonomous floor scrubbers
After closing part way through the school year because of the pandemic, school districts across North America are grappling with the task of reopening their schools. Some have begun the process, while others will be opening their doors in the coming weeks. And yet for others, the decision has been made to start the 2020 school year with online education, looking to postpone the physical reopening of their school.
Senior leaders in both the United States and Canada continue to push school districts to physically open their schools, highlighting the importance of getting students back at their desks. As outlined by the CDC in an article “The Importance of Reopening America’s Schools this Fall”, it is crucial not only for children’s learning, but for their mental health as well.
At the heart of the debate is the health and safety of students and staff. State-by-state and province-by-province, leaders are highlighting what the reopening plan should entail to create a safe and healthy environment for learning.
A crucial pillar in safely welcoming students, teachers and staff back to the school is regular and consistent cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection. For many years, cleaning was something that took place in the shadows — it was something that just “happened” with people not really thinking about it. In the wake of COVID-19, it’s been brought out of the shadows and now sits under a bright spotlight.
Custodial teams at schools across North America will need to be cleaning more frequently than ever before. With limited time, budgets and staff to handle this demand, school districts are looking for innovative solutions to help their custodial teams and ensure the health and safety of staff and students.
For example, a school district in New Jersey has embraced robotics and automation by implementing Neo, the autonomous floor scrubbing robot, across three schools to provide reliable, effective assistance to their custodial staff on the front-lines. Thanks to Neo, custodial teams are able to focus on high-touch 3-D surfaces while the autonomous floor scrubbing robot sanitizes the floors, ensuring a safer environment for all.
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